Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lost and Found!

9:30 a.m. I’ve lost some very important papers – the file with the kid’s birth certificates and social security cards. I was looking for them in the file drawer where I thought they were and I can’t find them in ANY of the drawers! I felt so overwhelmed I just started to cry. I felt like God told me to just come away from that for awhile and spend my quiet time with Him to start with, then go back and I may have to go through EACH file drawer, piece by piece, but they have needed cleaning out for a LONG time.. so I’m headed to the park with my Bible to have my time with God...

10:55 a.m. God is SO GOOD!!! Well, that goes without saying, and He would still be good even if this hadn’t happened, but I went and had my time alone with Him, (putting Him first, after nearly rushing headlong into my day without doing that) so I came back to the house, not feeling that much better at the thought of the daunting task ahead of me –cleaning out the entire filing cabinet one drawer at a time, looking for the lost papers, but I steeled myself to the task and I’m just about to get started looking through the first drawer when the thought comes: “why not just check in the lock box first?” Now, I was almost certain the papers weren’t in there, although Robert had chided me this morning that that is where they should have been in the first place, but who am I to put things where they should go?!? Well, I had to pray (and call hubby) to be able to even find the key to the lock box (I sure hope at least one other person out there can relate!) but I finally found it, (getting one of my “catch-all” drawers cleaned out in the process!) opened the lock box, moved aside house title and car titles, and Nathan’s coin collection, and there it was! The envelope containing all the papers I was looking for!!! Thank You God!!! I don't know how it got there, -pretty sure it wasn't me, but what a load off my mind and I am filled with a new determination to 1. Always put God first in my day, and 2. Get more organized already!!!

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